One said hot the other said not

Pimentos padron com améndoas salgadas
Cristóvão Colombo trouxe o pimento (capsicum) para territorio espanhol, dando inicio à sua expansao. O pimento padrão  é uma especialidade galega, apreciada um pouco por todo o mundo.Rico em vitamina C e carotenos, tem um sabor único......Já diz a célebre expressão:" Pimientos de Pádron,unos pican otros non."
Following in the footsteps of Christopher Columbus, my search for the perfect tapas continues.The Casa Rosada 2011 dinner menu will soon have a comprehensive tapas selection.These little chaps are the perfect start to a good meal,followed by meat,seafood or shellfish.They are also great support to an early evening "pair o teef."And for the girls who can´t say no, stir some up to accompany a copa de vinho or a cerveza before lunch.

Pimentos padron com améndoas salgadas
( Padron peppers with salted almonds)
Olive oil
Flor de sal Azeitona Castro Marim
1 packet pimentos padron
1 cup of almonds (with skin)

Heat a large frying pan over a medium heat, Add the olive oil,lower the heat and and tip in the peppers and almonds. Toss them together well, season them with Flor de sal and mix again. When the peppers begin to blacken slightly, after about a minute, remove them from the pan. Put hem in a bowl or on a plate and serve with another sprinkling of salt.


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