June is bustin´ out all over

The temperature´s rising here in good old Al Gharb and that means summer and some small changes in lifestyle that help us adapt better to the summer heat. Fresh and nutritious soft fruit is abundant.I don’t care what fashion experts say, even the most forgiving swimsuit leaves many body flaws on display. Whether you want to minimize one-piece pooch, tone a bikini-worthy tummy, or trade your beer gut for washboard abs,summer fruits are the answer.If June is busting out all over  you most certainly don´t want to be June.
In the market we can find not only the usual kinds of fruit that are present all year, but already in June delicious summer fruits begin to appear. Apricots, cherries, peaches, nectarines, paraguayos, melons, pineapples, strawberries… they all are exquisite and have something in common: they are healthy, nourishing,colourful,juicy and not fattening.Here in Portugal strawberries are now coming to an end but not to worry, they are all put to bed as ice cream in my freezer,ready for a mid-summer treat.For those in Northern europe or across the pond where strawberries appear later, seek out unblemished berries with a bright-red colour extending to the stem, and with a strong fruity smell. They should be neither hard nor mushy. Ideal storage: Place unwashed berries in a single layer on a paper towel in a covered container in your refrigerator.
Although available all year-round, pineapple with its potent mix of vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes (in particular, bromelain) is an all-body anti-inflammation cocktail. It also protects against gout, colon cancer, arthritis, and macular degeneration. If only the "colada" part of the equation were as healthy.Casa Rosada´s healthy way to kick start the day is to combine pineapple in a variety of combos using melons, apricots, ginger, limes or celery in a breakfast smoothie.
Pears aren't usually spoken about with the same nutritional "ooos" and "ahhhs" as apples, which are rightfully regarded as a superfood,but both are great for thickening up a smoothie. One word of warning, being pretty as a peach comes at a price. The fruit is often doused with pesticides in the weeks prior to harvest to ensure blemish-free skin. By the time it arrives in your supermarket's produce department, the typical peach can be coated with up to nine different pesticides, according to research. So if shopping at the  supermarket fill your  produce bag with peaches that wear an "Organic" or bio sticker.Better still, Farmers markets are probably a safer option.
Good news though Apricots, nectarines and peaches all weigh in at the lower end of the calorie table.All of them below 50 calories per 100g serving. So June is when you should be getting your head round your summer hols.Mix and match your summer fruits carefully and you will soon be slimming down into shorts and swimsuit.You don´t want to be bustin´out all over like June.
