Gluten free vodka infused cherry tomatoes

Looking forward to Christmas? -I think you will be when you read this.What do you do with a glut of cherry tomatoes? Roast them,salads,jam,chutneys.Well just three words here Vodka, infused and tomatoes. Looking ahead you have the perfect base for a "Portuguese Mary" it will make you the star of the party, be it pre-Christmas or New Years day hair of the dog,and guess what,for those concerned about this issue, gluten free as well.
For those who are worried about the strength of alcohol in these little chaps not to worry. Your guests will not be getting drunk, off these at least.
The vodka gives the tomatoes a nice subtle flavour, but certainly not an overwhelming alcohol taste. If you think about it, tomatoes are made mostly of water, therefore they can’t retain much of the alcohol. Now, the rest of you who want more of a kick, blitz them in the processor with Worcester sauce, a glug of sherry or if in Portugal why not do as I do (use a glug of Madeira my dear) Tabasco and home made celery salt.
This makes a  great pressie too,
I used a lovely 250ml capacity re-cycled jar with a cork.First you prick a hole through the tomatoes using a cocktail skewer.Sterilise the glass jar in the oven. Fill it to capacity with cherry tomatoes and then fill it with vodka.Put it away and forget about it until the end 
of the year when you are desperate for a quick fix or lost for a last minute gift idea.You can make this in any volume container you require.1.5 litre tall kilner jars make stunning gifts or a whole jug of Mary.


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