`SemGluten´ um requisito ou estilo de vida `Gluten free,´necessity or lifestyle choice

All gluten free posts on this blog will now be flagged up accordingly
 Holidays can be a real trial for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. And even for those of us who aren't medically obliged to reduce our gluten intake, excessive holiday eating means we should be mindful anyway of how many rich, starchy foods we're consuming.As more and more of our guests at our bed and breakfast seem to be requiring a wheat and gluten free diet.I acknowledge that 'wheat and gluten free’ is a serious modern day issue that needs to be addressed by everyone involved in the food and service industry.
More restaurants than ever before are willing to accommodate special dietary needs.As a cook catering for the needs of one establishments´ guests this is exactly my feeling on the matter.I am definitely not taking the route of catering specifically to a gluten-free crowd.There are many hypotheses about the sudden increase in interest in the gluten-free way of life, as well as the rise of genuine patients raising gluten-related concerns with their doctors and without scientific clarity the “wheat has to be sorted from the chaff”.More people than ever are buying, cooking and eating gluten-free foods as a lifestyle choice. Gluten-free living appeals to many but like myself still seems to be widely misunderstood.Celebrity inspired intrigue to going gluten free might well play a part, making magazines culpable of starting a new trend in fashionable and healthy eating.The discovery of the causes of Celiac disease being medically recognized in 1952 and linked to the ingestion of wheat proteins,makes this phenomenon something relatively modern and
something I knew nothing about it until I entered the world of catering in 1986.At the moment allergies and intolerances are a minefield for cooks and chefs, but given this position I accept the challenge with an enthusiasm and as and when I find gluten free recipes I will share them on this blog and flag them up accordingly with the symbol above.
Despite the lack of scientific clarity, gluten-free eating appears to be here to stay, whether it's trendy for some or necessary for others. In the meantime, some of the confusion can certainly be cleared up.First stop I need to get more savvy about reading labels on products.


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