Você tem que obter o gimmick

Courgettelle with prawns and a summer tomato sauce

Have you been inspiralized yet? If the verb "to spiralise" has not yet entered your vocabulary, get a grip, or even better get a gimmick. You'll be more than just a mimic when you get this gimmick.You will be able to customize your very own carb free recipes and put a bit of spirality into the way you cook.Trends and fads can pass us by but you gotta have this gimmick if you wanna have a chance.
Forget spaghetti, this year it’s all about ‘courgetti.’Vegetable pasta seems to be the new big thing this summer. Naturally, cooking  courgetti is a much speedier process than boiling bags of weighty pasta. Bet you didn´t see that one coming, me neither, keep up. If you're wondering how to transform your vegetables into spaghetti or noodles, reach for the latest must-have gadget, the spiraliser. I haven´t actually got mine yet but its already in the Amazon basket awaiting the next order. And meanwhile if you want vegetable pasta but not necessarily spaghetti you can use a descascador (regular julienne peeler) to create courgetelle (above) or vegetable pappardelle.This is exactly what I did. I got so inspiralized by all those recipes in magazines and blogs that I had to do something about it. The Helmsley sisters, Melissa and Jasmine Hemsley, were among the first of the recent band of "beautiful bloggers" to make vegetable spaghetti fashionable. They actually branded their own spiralizer too.
Courgetti with prawns and tomato sauce
Loosely interpreted from an original recipe by Isabel Zibaia Rafael
serves 4
2 curgetes
500g peeled prawns
600g ripe tomatoes,skinned de-seeded and coarsely chopped
1 small tin anchovies including the oil
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
1 stick celery
1 leaf of leek
50 ml olive oil
50ml white wine
few sprigs of manjericão (basil)
salt and pepper to taste
Skin and seed the tomatoes,Set aside.
Chop the onion and the garlic.
In a pan heat the olive oil and the oil from the tin of anchovies.Add the onion and garlic and cook until they are soft and golden.Stir in the anchovies until they break up and melt.Add the tomatoes,stick of celery and the leek.Leave to cook until reduced to a thick sauce.
Using the thin noodle attachment on the spiralizer or the vegetable peeler create long twirls of pasta-like vegetable noodles.
Remove the celery stick and leek and strain the sauce through apasse-vite or blend in the pan with a stick blender.In the pan bring back to the heat,add the basil leaves,season with salt and pepper to your taste.Add the prawns and cook briefly then add the courgette noodles and cook for another 30 seconds.tip the sauce and noodles into abowl and bring to the table immediately with a bowl of grated parmesan for garnish.
When selecting courgettes just remember, the smaller the courgette the better the flavour. Courgettes can reach marrow-size surprisingly quickly - and if you are growing your own no one wants their veg patch to star in its own Day of the Triffids remake... The mutant courgette that wins the horticultural show is not always the tastiest.
Summer courgetti and meatballs
Follow the method as above but substitute meat balls for the prawns
Courgetti putanesca
Spaghetti alla putanesca is an old school italian recipe literally translated as "tarts Spaghetti"Its no wonder its been around forever,that slutty sauce is to lie for.
Use your favourite putanesca recipe and stir through courgette noodles at the end.


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