Degustation Evening at Cha Com Agua Salgada..
town has its
Feriado municipal.
Castro Marim´s
holiday coincides
with the feast of Sao Joao,
which was celebrated this thursday 24 June.
Paulo made sure we were kept refreshed with fine samplings of Quinta do Barranco Longo Wines while Edgar proffered his guests with a background to what they were drinking
Casa Rosada however had a more pressing engagement in our diary - an invitation for a presentation dinner at Cha Com Agua Salgada, This was a chance for the local network of small hotels, Turismo rurais and bed and breakfasts to get together and sample Cha´s new "Sabores Regionais", which will be launched in September, and the Quinta do Barranco Longo Wine of 2009. After a hot day (30c ) of laundry duties, ironing and cleaning in preparation for the next guests and planning a non dairy dinner menu ( more on that story later, kirsty!!! ) What better than leaning on the railing of Cha´s terrace with glasses of Barranco Longo Rose in our hands watching beachgoers of all shapes and sizes amble back across the boardwalk. The sun was going down over Manta Rota beach and it was time to sample some of my favourite local fare. I knew I was going to enjoy the evening ahead before I even sat down. Our friend Eglantina had just handed us the new edition of her breviario, literal translation a breviary, religious and clerical definition aside, in layman´s land!!! a handbook of recommendations and pointers for her guests at her turismo rural, companhia das culturas.She pointed out that she has now included Casa Rosada in the gastronomy category as "Fusion gastronomy by demand"- a charming and cross cultural way of saying "Dinners by appointment. " well ´fusion gastronomy´ was what was about to hit us. A witty amuse bouche came in the form of a shot glass of Gazpacho. I´m loving it already - the starter quickly followed.
We were served a Tuna Trilogy - Tartare, wind dried Muxama and marinated loin. The tartare was foaming with a saucy soya profuson. Two main course samplings kept me happily in my culinary comfort zone - a delicious Octopus tempura, charmingly translated again as "Fried octopus and his risotto and black Iberian pork with migas potatoes and grilled asparagus. All in all a lovely modern twist on the traditional Algarvian Kitchen.
Cha opened its doors in April 2009 bringing to the East Algarve a stylish and very contemporary vision. A smart and modern city style restaurant was on our doorstep at Praia de Manta Rota. Sandra and Paulo a couple from Lisbon brought this project to the Algarve with the charming Sommelier Edgar.The evening rounded off with a delicious fig Parfait and an espumante Rose Reserva Bruto opened by its producer, Rui Virginia, who gave us the time to explain about the various grapes and discuss the possibility of Casa Rosada´s guests visiting his winery as part of an addition to their holiday with us. A perfect night, networking, eating, chatting and all in time to get home for the series finale of Brothers and Sisters!!!!
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