Piri Piri Very Hot!!!!!
It´s most frequent use is as a marinade, baste or paste for Frango piri piri. It is ideal for roasted grilled or barbecued meats, and gives the cooked meat a rich red mottled finish.
It is plentiful on supermarket shelves but so rewarding when you make it yourself. My version is not so traditional but still comes out a bright jungle red,with a texture like a hot ketchup packed with punch.
3 cloves garlic,peeled and left whole
2 red chillies
2 red peppers left whole
60ml olive oil
2 fresh bay leaves
half teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon red wine vinegar
half teaspoon salt
Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas mark 7
Place the garlic, chillies and peppers in a roasting tray
close together. pou over the oil and cover the tray with baking foil.
Roast for 30 minutes or until the peppers are tender.
Allow to cool, peel the skin from the peppers and remove the stalks from the chillies.
Putall the ingredients into a processor and blitz until a thick ketchup like paste results
Store in a sterilized glass jar in the refrigerator
Shelf life two weeks to one month.
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