Bolo salgado com piso,tomate seco, congumelos seco e queijo feta
Sundried tomato,dried mushroom, cheese and herb loaf
This is the time of year when our days of summer foraging and accumulating of seasonal food supplies for preservation pay us dividends. But say the word “hoarding” to most people and it will conjure up images of
horrific reality TV about people who live surrounded by piles of junk.In
ecological terms hoarding has a very different meaning, and refers to the
practice of hiding food to be eaten later. Hoarding is a strategy used by animals and humans alike to
store seasonally abundant food to eat later in the year.Caching foods in times of surplus brings meals to our tables when food is less plentiful. Stocking up on storage crops in the late summer and early autumn, and
storing what your own garden has overproduced for winter eating is a great way to get local, organic food
at a lower cost and higher quality than what you might find in
supermarkets.If you are not so lucky as to have a fruit and veg garden,when looking for where to buy bulk quantities of food, one great place
to check out is the local farmer's market, especially for tomatoes,
peppers,mushrooms and even herbs. Even if you can't find cheap bulk prices,
consider how much you are spending on a pound of food in summer versus how
much the price will rise to in the winter. I think it's reasonable to say buying
almost anything in season is going to be cheaper then buying it off
Perfect store cupboard sustenance and quite festive too
Bolo salgado com piso,tomate seco e congumelos seco
(Sundried tomato,dried mushroom, cheese and herb loaf)
Na medida do possível utilize ingredientes orgânicos para esta receita
Wherever possible use organic ingredients for this recipe
250g de farinha 250g plain flour
250g de farinha 250g plain flour
3 ovos 3 eggs
150ml de leite gordo 150ml full fat milk
100ml de azeite 100ml extra virgin olive oil
12g levadura fresca 12g fresh yeast dissolved in warm water
flor de sal q.b Flor de sal to taste
1colher de cha de tomilho fresco 1tsp fresh thyme
1colher de cha de tomilho seco 1tsp dried thyme
1colher de cha oregao seco 1tsp dried oregano
1colher de cha manjerico seco 1tsp dried basil
gordura para barrar a forma fat or oil for greasing the baking tin
Tomates secos q.b Sundried tomatoes to taste
20g congumelos secos q.b 20g dried porcini mushroomsto taste
Queijo feta q.b, opcional feta cheese to taste optional
Juntar a farinha,o Flor de sal e alevedura; adicionar os ovos um a um,misturando levemente.Juntar progressivamente o azeite,o leite e as ervas secos.,obtendo uma massa uniforme.Adicionar os tomates secos re-hidratado,cortado aos pedaços,e os congumelos secos igualmente re-hidratos e picados grosseiramente.Desmonte o feta na mistura se estiver usando.Deitar a massa numa formade bolo ingléspreviamente barrada e polvilhada de farinha.Vai o forno a 210C durante 35-40 minutos.
Deixe esfriar em uma grade de arame até estar pronto para servir. Você pode adaptar esta receita e usar a massa para fazer muffins de mini molho de cocktail.
Mix together the flour, Flor de sal and the yeast.Add the eggs one by one,mixing them in lightly.Bit by bit mix in the olive oil and then the milk followed by the herbs.Mix well until you have achieved a well combined dough.Stir in the sundried tomatoes and dried mushrooms,chopped in small pieces.Crumble the feta into the mix if using.Tip the dough into the previously greased bread pan and bake in an oven heated to 210c for 35 to 40 minutes.Cool on a wire rack until ready to serve.You can adapt this recipe and use the dough to make mini cocktail muffins.
Juntar a farinha,o Flor de sal e alevedura; adicionar os ovos um a um,misturando levemente.Juntar progressivamente o azeite,o leite e as ervas secos.,obtendo uma massa uniforme.Adicionar os tomates secos re-hidratado,cortado aos pedaços,e os congumelos secos igualmente re-hidratos e picados grosseiramente.Desmonte o feta na mistura se estiver usando.Deitar a massa numa formade bolo ingléspreviamente barrada e polvilhada de farinha.Vai o forno a 210C durante 35-40 minutos.
Deixe esfriar em uma grade de arame até estar pronto para servir. Você pode adaptar esta receita e usar a massa para fazer muffins de mini molho de cocktail.
Mix together the flour, Flor de sal and the yeast.Add the eggs one by one,mixing them in lightly.Bit by bit mix in the olive oil and then the milk followed by the herbs.Mix well until you have achieved a well combined dough.Stir in the sundried tomatoes and dried mushrooms,chopped in small pieces.Crumble the feta into the mix if using.Tip the dough into the previously greased bread pan and bake in an oven heated to 210c for 35 to 40 minutes.Cool on a wire rack until ready to serve.You can adapt this recipe and use the dough to make mini cocktail muffins.
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