Pêras Bêbedas Medieval - DrunkenMedieval Pears

Last week, in perfect timing for the Medieval festival,I was given a bag of home grown Portuguese pears from a friends garden.They were baby dessert pears and too small to peel, so I decided to adapt an old Medieval recipe and the result above was a perfect sobremesa (pudding) to finish off the Casa Rosada banquet under a sky of colourful cascading fireworks.
Pêras Bêbedas-Drunken Pears
( adaptado de Receitas da Idade Média )
(4 pessoas)

8-10  pêras imaculado
300g açucar
1 pau de canela
6 Grãos de cravo
1 anis estrelado
20g raiz de gengibre descascado
Uma Garrafa de vinho tinto de boa qualidade
zesto de laranja inteiro
zesto de limao inteiro

Escolha pêras rijas e de uma espécie perfumada.
Retire-ilhes  as sementes ficado-ilhes enteiro e caule intacto.Coloque as numa panela suficientemente grande onde possam ser cobertas pelo xarope constituido pelo vinho,agua,açucar e todos especiarias.Deixe ferver e cozer entre 20-40 minutos dependendo os tamanhos de as pêras. Pique-as para verificar se estão cozidas e,neste caso,retire-as do lume.Deixe-as no frigorifico  ao momento de servir.A sua saúde.

Pick firm pears with a strong perfume.Remove the core but keep the pears intact.In a pan large enough to cover the pears with all the syrup place the pears and cover with all the other ingredients.Cook on a low flame for 20-40 minutes depending on the size of the pears.Test them with the point of a knife and if it goes in with some resistance they are ready. If not cooked return to the flame.remove from the pan and reduce the liquid on a high heat till reduced to a thick syrup.pour over the fruit and leave in the fridge till ready to serve.

Your health!!


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