The inn keepers tale and of what could happen upon

Here continueth our tales of dias medievais. Inns in the Algarve are generally registered establishments or buildings( Alojamentos locais ) where travelers can seek lodging and, usually, food and drink.The scene is the little village of Castro Marim, in 2017. It is a time of troubled days and there is much talk of an impending apocalypse called Brexit. Casa Rosada is the only licensed hostelry in the village.At first glance it looks like a house,but it is a boarding house.That evening a group of pilgrims arrive at the inn.
A huckster peered through the iron grills of the door into the hostelry.O estalajadeiro, the innkeeper, waved his finger and shook his head at him."Nada mais".Outside in the street o afiador de faca continua pedalando a sua bicicleta inconsciente ( the knife sharpener continued pedalling his bicycle oblivious.The hostelry was expecting an impending visit from the aldermen of the village.They routinely made unannounced visits to each hostelry to investigate the estrangeiros or travellers who were lodging on the premises.It was considered likely that the poorer sort might fall prey upon any estrangeiros as a swarm of angry bees might cluster around an intruder,and it was necessary to be seen to act." You must make surety for every person you harbour.,"alderwoman May told the innkeeper of Rua Dr, Silvestre Falcao.
" God forbid I should swear for those I do not know"
You are held responsible for all their deeds and trespasses"
"Oh Lord that is too great a burden for a landlord such as I". 
"Whatever next would you wish me to stalk them in the ruas and stradas?"
"Just answer me this. Do you have any estrangeiros?"
They are all estrangeiros to me, as you well know.Have I not kept this house for eleven if not a year without causing the least harm? Why the dog is better fed here than in most households.It is a sad day when one the likes of me is judged to keep heretics under his roof!!"
"Nothing of the kind, we only wish you to open your eyes.Look to any suspected person who may have infringed border controls.
"Infected persons? 
I have none such. Can you hold your tongue in your head sir? or you will have me locked up in my chamber with a bowl of vinagre before my door:I shall be painted with a red cross for all the world to see.Oh.Has it come to this? such shame upon me.He held out his Nuno Gama cloth throw depicting its distinctive mark of the cross."This is not a winding sheet, is it? Or am I mistaken?"
You are in the right.But no one......
He gazed scornfully at the group of citizens that had now gathered around alderwoman May.
" Am I to be mocked in my own street where I have paid scot and lot (Imposto Municipal sobre Imóveis)Inform me Mrs may if I have not paid it".I will now be mouthed behind my back,I am that sure of it.
" Calm yourself ,you have done nothing."
Então eu devo ser colocado pelourihno Por não fazer nada,eu sou?
( and so i am going to to be pilloried for something I have not done?)
This is the governments justice,is it? Well it is a sorrowful day for hard working citizens like myself.
He was about to close the door on Mrs May,when he opened it again." and as for the rest of you - you are good only to grill sardines in hell and cook the devils food Bacalhau.Good day!"
He slammed the door shut.
Alderwoman May looked up at the sky, and whistled."Well", she said to noone in particular,"The wheels on the bus go round and round." Our aim is to create a really hostile environment for illegal immigration.I am still clear that Brexit means Brexit.


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